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Robo Plow
Best Nigel Farage speeches
Why they Test Drop Bombs
Corby Rangers Club, Penny Arcade
Danger New Credit & Debit Cards
Argie Olympian Taking the Piss
V8 Chainsaw (anyone marketed this yet ?)
Your a Handyman if You can Do this
Weapon Safety
Party Piece
A 6 Volt Battery holds 32 AA Batteries
The Train That Never Stops
Airline Pilot of The Year
Two Dogs Dining
SP Gun Loading Fail
Jet Landing Fail
Heavy Drop Fail
How I Got this Tattoo
Guess the Product
Photo Copier
Nexi MDS Robot
Self Loading Backhoe
People of Walmart
How to Dance the Meringue
The Power of Words
Men in the Kitchen 1
Men in the Kitchen 2
Men in the Kitchen 3
Leopard hangs out of Russian Audi TT
The Tiger
Royal Wedding Practice
Why God Gave Them Camels
Downhill Race in Chile
Office Stress 1
Office Stress 2
Office Stress 3
Office Stress 4
2 into 1 Will Go
Aussie School Answering Machine
Tango Football
Ventriloquist Without a Dummy
Billiard Domino
Origin of the Queen of England
Snake, What Snake
Walking to Work
Kids Never Learn
Blue Panties
Dont Mess with Old Golfers
Speed Enforced by Aircraft
RC Plane with Reversible Pitchprop
Handicapped Parking Only
New Ride at Flamingo Land
Referee Training
It Could Have Been Me
Yeoman At Tower Of London 1
Yeoman At Tower Of London 2
Yeoman At Tower Of London 3
Yeoman At Tower Of London 4
Robin Williams Intro to Golf
Police Portaloo
Human Stick Figure at Ball Game
First Tech Support Guy
End of Civilization
Homeless Golden Voice in Columbus
Scariest Path in the World
Walking with Johnnie
Blizzard Time Lapse New York 2010
USS Montana
How Irish Dancing Started
Budweiser Xmas 2010
England Team Training
Digital Story of the Nativity
Best Card Trick Ever
Yellow Snow
Electronic Pickpocket
Passion Killers
Elastic Band
Coffee Cup Holder
German Tourists
Monty Python Precision Drilling
Lesson in Economics
Dog Sledding
Fire Fighter
Oz in Capable Labour Hands
All Black Skills
TOP TEN Crosswind Landings
Religion Has Had Its Day
Get Lucky
Outsourcing, A Classic Oldie
Is Someone Blocking your Garage
Flying Kiwi
Weekend Sailor
Tale of Two Brains
Automated Confession
What a Retard
Grounded for Life, No Parole
Pucker up Girls
Workers v Boss
Caught on Camera
Duelling Farts
Ukulele Orchestra of GB 2007
David Copperfield
Garage to small, Improvise
Red Telephone Kiosks for Sale
Its Magic
Its a Wonderful World
Transformer Owl
How to Open a Bottle of Wine
Disappearing Car Door
Asking for Directions
Baby Moose in Sprinkler
Unknown Parameter Value
Shouldnt Own a Bike
Its Called Recoil
A Large GSXR
How to Carry Plywood
Dont Stretch on Your Car
BP Oil Crisis, Whose Fault Is It
The Beautiful Game
Have Patience with Old Folk
Howard, Drum Show
Fishing in Florida
New Cellphone
Inspired Bikes Danny MacAskill April 09
Mission Impossible Squirrel
Saddam and George Dubya Bush
The Lost Generation
Mayor of Johannesburg
Did we Dance Like This
Skeleton Riding a Motorbike
How Old People Break their Hips
A Pensioners Blues
Piano Boy, Ethan BORTNICK
Magic Show, Liu QIAN
Election, Telegraph Blogs
Divorce, Aussie Style
Takin Back Our Country, Joyce Shaffer
Top Bike Ad
Octopus v Shark
Crazy Woodpecker, ex Commando ?
Look No Hands
1944 America` Got Talent
Funny Military Accidents
Dont Do This When Stopped for DUI
Transfer Deadline Day at Ibrox
Squirrel in my Garden
How Long can you Hold your Breath
Train Runs thru Bankok Market
Voting Republican
At The End of The Date
Your Call Centre
Bad Day
How a Dog Keeps Dry
Why Italian Restaurants Failed in Dubai
Change Start Button Text - see disclaimer
Football Manager
New Car for Women
Irish DUI Test
When Wife Dosent Listen
Why Women Stay Single
The Queen is Indian
Combo Lock
Stretch a Condom
The Humor Artist
Scottish Pizza Prank
Telemarketeer v Police
Old Folks
New Airforce One
Boy and his Train
Driving Skill
Ex Bootneck ?
Drink Sensibly
Wrong Gift, Again
Robin Williams v Obama
Strip Poker
How Real Men Fish
Xmas Bitch
Xmas Roo
Sponsor an Executive
Walk in Fridge
No Kissing in Boxing
Cordless Drill
Just Hold This
Antique Road Show, Mens Version
Why Men Have Big Tool Boxes
NFL The Best Players
KungFu Dickheads
Outrageous Videos
Small Driveway ?
Who Says, Women Cant Park ?
Do You Feel Lucky ?
Deer on Car
Ghostly Car Ad - must read notes
Stupid or What
Women Drivers
Bud Lite
Viera TV
Dead Snake
Unknown Gymnast
Idiot of the Year I
Idiot of the Year II
Idiot of the Year III
Idiots x 4
World 24hr Air Traffic
New Tow Truck
Climbing Excavator - see pics first
Amazing Digger Unloads Itself
Numb Nuts
Carter Helicopter
Negotiate with the Dentist
Bruce Ping Pong
Beer Bottle Dominos
Kitchen Oil Fire
Indian Intersection
Ass Hole 2009
Greatest Pool Shot
Reply to Gordon Brown Speech
Ice Road Truckers
My Son Got a B
Tyre Prank
The Black Hole
Flanders and Swann `67 Broadway
Boogie Woogie Done Right
Breakfast Time
That Bear
Circus Festival Monte Carlo
Mommys Little Helper
2 Otters Holding Hands
Best Ford Commercial
Willie Vega - Nocturnal Flight
Willie Vega - Luther Drive Demo
Christopher Walken - Dancing
Human Shooting Range
Funny Chinese Commercial
Karate Monkey
Smartest Man in the World
Funny Golf
Hitch a Lift
Great Excavator Operator
Are Women Born this Way
Finger Skill Soccer
What Every Man Wants in Bed
Leaf Blower
Nail Gun
Power Drill
The Evian Crew
Japanese Ringtones
Rolling Car Doors
Evolution of Dance
Coca Cola Ad for Seniors
Israeli GPS Commercial
Norbury, London SW16
The Original Zulu Warrior Song
Live Hard
Garage Door Opener
John Pinette
Waterbound Helo
Water Slide
Sen John Murtha, Tax Waster
Elvis & Celine
Welcome to Hell
Desert Island
Blind Aussie Cricket
Burger Grease Art
Irish Traffic Lights
Jogger Stretching
Friday vs Monday
A Great Story
The Pumpkin Cannon of Ulster County
Cat Betrayed by Girlfriend
How to freak out a Taxi Driver
The Village People
Why Email Was Invented
Transformer Owl
Communication Technology
Hampshire Fire Brigade
Wooden Spoon Trick
Bored Welsh Sheep Farmers
Punjabi Jingle Bells
I`m Keeping Kosher for Christmas
The Beatles in 1000 Years
A Doggy Christmas Surprise
Xmas Song
Jose Mari Alegria from India
Worlds Fastest Rail Train
Parking is a Lot of Fun
Inside a Birdhouse
Tiger Woods, Commemorative Plate
Russian Freestyle, Climbing, Freerunning
Stick to Dominoes
Worlds Largest Model RC Plane
Pigeon Impossible
Look When You Walk
Pakistani Auto Club
Tiger Beer Commercial
World Record High Dive
Speeding Bullett, 5000 frames per Second
Central Station, Antwerp Sound of Music
Best Seatbelt Ad
The Front Fell Off
When a Japanese Baby is Born
Crane v SUV
Rubber Cement
SU33 Near Miss on Carrier Deck
A10 Take off and Low Pass
Airman Hit By Jet on Carrier
Danger of Working from Home
Crash Test 2009
Cristiano Ronaldo Roof Football
Typical Man
Pics from The Past
Camel Toes
Enola Gay Cockpit
The Hormone Guide
How Did He Get In There
Vegetarian v Food n Booze
What has happened to Car Design
Yakkety Yack
Hydrogen Barrackside
Catch the Moment
Capetown, South Africa
We didnt Start the Fire
Middle East, 5000 years in 90 Seconds
No Looters When Nashville Flooded
The Buffalo Theory
New Stamp Issue
Sushi and Seafood Buffet
Tuurrrd Busters
Stiff Nipples
Secrets of a Lasting Marriage
All US Citizens
New UK Flag
Innovative New Parking Scheme
Actual Call Centre Conversations
Donald Ducks Trousers
Tunnel Harry
Arse or Elbow
Driving Blonde
Hit the Cyclist
2012 Olympics with Stuart Hall
Probably Not
Political Correctness
Checking on You
Restaurant Waldgeist
Heart Attack Slideshow
Extract from the Reagan Diaries
Daddys Poem
Scottish Mathematics
    Awesome Air Photos
    Things you can only say on Thanksgiving
Microsoft Support
Am I Racist
Aussie Poetry Competition
Collectors Plate
Have you got Guts or Balls ?
Sean Connery Interview
Hudson Plane Crash
Scottish Cultural Identity
Never Just Pull Out
Who Upset the Missus
Past Presidents
Thank God
Pacific Cruise
Welcome to ASYLUM
Men v Women
The Grass is Always Greener
USS Independence
Chicken Wings Please
For Sale
The Gay Flight Attendant
Lost Puppy
Famous Churches Around the World
Aussie Bar Joke
The 2008 Darwin Awards
Sheriff Joe is at it Again
The Missing Wife
Male v Female
Compulsory Urine Test
Can You Read This
Gordon Brown is My Shepherd
Retirement Bonus
Robin Williams for President / Primeminister
Digital Marriage Metaphor
Painted Trucks (Great Art)
Next Cricket World Cup in Pakistan
Sandstorm (KAF)
New Department Store in Glasgow
Bone Yard, Davis Monthan AFB
Monkey Business
Patriotic Plan
Modern Maths Exam Paper (Scottish)
Bottled Water Disaster
2 Tough Questions
The Circle of Life
Latest Swine Flu Fatality
Tow Rope Anyone
English is a hard language to learn
It Seems Impossible "read notes first"
New Shop in Inverness
1940 Tour de France
Online Ordering in 2012
Be Careful Out There
Australian Police Entrance Test
Two Middle Eastern Mothers
The Next Time
Julie Andrews now 69 Years of Age
Thirsty Koalas
Change Your Thinking
New Voters Booth
The Worlds Shortest Books
The True Cost of Stuff
Organisational Development
Ranch in Montana
Do Ya Miss Me ?
Google Car Theft Search
Jeff n Freedom
Ikea Job Interview
Read a Book First
Just Couldnt Use This
Definately Could Not Use This
Card Scam (could work anywhere)
Wasp Spray v Pepper Spray
Always Watching You
How to Potty Train a Man
You Gotta Love Americans
An Amazing Grizzly Bear
Men & Advice
Signs of the Times
Dictionary for Womens Personal Ads
Winters Coming
45 Lessons in Life
Seen a Water Bridge Over a River ?
British Survey
Australian Road Trains
This Watch Always Works


99.9% Need Not Apply

Royal Marines

Brothers in Arms


It Could Have Been Me


All Media is accredited to their original owners, unless Otherwise Notified

I do not lay claim to all of the Media.
They are not for the purpose of profit, but for Tribute Entertainment or Promotional purposes only

Do You have any Media Clips or Pictures for me? Send it to me or email me the Link
Remember, this is not a Porn Movie Site

"Thanks Guy`s & Gal`s keep them coming"


Rod (Terry) Spinks "RM Rtd"
Chinese Army Mutli Use Shovel
Mexican Mortar Team
Changing Tires can be Dangerous
Rifle Drill
BE200 Multipurpose Aircraft
A Seniors Wedding Night
Queensland Floods 2011
Crane Drivers Nightmare
F18 Snapback
The Touch Table
Karaoke for the Deaf
Leatherneck Pipes-Drums Band NYC
The Proper Way to Listen to Classical Music
Children v Fast Train
The Perfect Crime
Gun Control
Air Show Mishap
A Happy Penguin
Absolutely British
Blonde fits Cat Flap
Lada Brake Test
Power Surge
Christmas Dinner
F-15 InFlight Incident
Barack Obama Song - song sheet
Tunnel of Death
An Intimate Moment
Ladder Race
Rooftop Cyclist
Slow Off The Mark
St Maartens airport
You Will Never Know
The E-L-O
Japanese Birth
Lake Peigneur Salt Mine
Cats First
The Video that won 1st place at Cannes
Remote Controlled Beer
Jumbo Landing
Bull 12 v Spectators 0
The New Uro Club
Malta Marks Remembrance Sunday 2009
Three Ways to Fail a DUI Test
One Bucket Car Wash (10 - 15 tons)
How Not to Land a Chinook
Israeli Fire Escape System
Rod (Terry) Spinks "RM Rtd"
Amazing Military Pics
Submarine Astute Update
Where Has Your Money Gone
The Volkswagen Assembly Plant
Memories of RMB Eastney
40 Cdo Burma camp 1963
Merry Xmas from the Met Police
Who are we
Sarawak 1962_1
Sarawak 1962_2
RM Ringtone
Shrinking the USMC
Euro English
Royal Marines future
England has 3 New Sponsers
Out of Africa
Irish Garden Recliners
Budget 2010 (March 24th)
A True Biker (unknown) "Who is He ?"
The Green Beret Men
The Berets Of Green
To The Men of Arnhem
Major General Peter Cosgrove
Never Again
Military History
Rise from the Ashes
Hello My Name is Billy
Lease not Purchase
If Men Wrote Advice Columns
The World Divided
Yacht Delivery
Why Do we Need a House to Live in
The Computer
Ageing Aunt Mildred
A Young Marine
Job Vacancy (would suit ex Para)
Heart Attack Grill (1) (2)
Aussie Culture
Dear Penis
What is a Bastard
From Masirah with Love
I Hate my Job
Alternative Investment Plan
This Must Hurt
Did He or Didnt He
C5 Preparing to Take Off
Old People Rock
Liberty or Death
The 10 Commandments
C Nile Virus
Pc or not Pc
No more Nails
Before and After
Bambi & Thumper Do Exist
Top 4 Adult Jokes
Titanic 95 Years On in 2008
Soldiers Xmas Poem
The Bravery of Soldiers
Tough Love
Fondling in Bed
Am I Old
Neige, Neige, Neige
Presidents Cars
What the Media shows you
Carnation milk
What Happened
Only been Fishing Officer
Common Sense Gone Mad
Crane Operator Needed in Dubai
Black Power
Terrorist Released
Truck for Sale
US Police Quotes
Spring Classes for Men
New Urban Assault USMC Motorcycle
If Nelson were Alive Today
A Different View
Ikea takes over GM
A Dog Named Faith
Its Only Money
A Moral Dilemma
Unemployed Wife
Jenny`s Crossed the Bar, 18th Feb 2009
Typical ex Royal Marine
Greg Norman v Tiger Woods
Charlie Brown
Fergie Misses the Bus
Farm Kid Joins Marines
QE2 Dartford Bridge New SPECS Cameras
60ft Penis on Roof
Apaches over Ipswich
Little Old Ladies
Council Tax
F16 v C130
New Ebay Facility for `Tup North of England
When Men Were Men
Dream On
The Iraqi Footballer
Manufacturing & Outsourcing
Safety at Work Awards
Benefit Thieves
Sit Comfortably and be Calm
Wedding Invite
Why Mummy Wont Let Him be King
Symptoms of Swine Flu
Union Jacks
HMS Beehive
Dear God
Ex RM in Oz
Will the Dollar Fall or Not
I Want a Floating Duckhouse
Florida Power and Light
Look After your Wife
New Neighbor
Family Photo (You Gotta be Kidding)
When we Were Young
All European Life Died in Auschwitz
New Type of Tree House
Repatriation Day 10th July 2009
Elephant Never Forgets
Darrell -Shifty- Powers
Clingstone, Narragansett Bay - Rhode Island
Japanese Tow Trucks!!!!!!!
Salute to Denmark
Medical Mishaps
3 US Navy Ships
Old Sea Dog
Cute Cat
KFD mmmmmm, Tasty
Car v Cyclists
Bucking Frilliant
New European Union Logo / Flag
President Mugabes Tour Bus
New Emergency Number
Arab Call Center
Sorry Honey
Feeling Unappreciated
School Bus
Dog 4 Sale
University of Miami Hospital
RM Monument, Gibralter 28th-12-2009
Before in 1958 and After in 2009
Planning Permission
Remember When You Were Young
Its Xmas Day All is Secure
"Craig List" Personal Ad
Bumper Stickers
Little Aden
Tools Explained
And So it Was
Old CDO Camp Pics




In Memory of RM29279

Mne David L Allan (22)
Born 28th May 1950
Westerhope, Newcastle

Training Unit
16 Troop, CTCRM
"Tooley Trophy Winners"

Serving Unit
40 Commando

Murdered by IRA Sniper
26th July 1972

Unity Flats/Upper Library Street, West Belfast

Laid to Rest in West Road Cemetery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Always in our Thoughts.......

Many Thanks to the Northern Ireland Veterans Association

Last Post


The Pipes

Now We Are Free by Lisa Gerrard

300 by Lisa Gerrard 

The Barracks by the Sea my Lads, The Barracks on the Shore 

Remember the Brave 

The Bonnie Blue Flag 

The Royal Marines Charity Debit Card (UK)

Powered by Currensea

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Old Time TV


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As a
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4 Radio Links below Updated 4th Dec 2020

Radio Caroline Flashback from The 60`S & 70`S

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"Not All Men or All Woman are Created Equal"

Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a
delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media,
which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick
up a piece of shit by the clean end!


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"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem"

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Royal Marines - Providing Enemies of the  UK the opportunity To Die For their Country Since 1664
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