Retired Royal Marine fined for having replica regiment badge printed on his car number plate

This is an old one but well worth reviving it again (October 2008)

A retired Royal Marine has been fined for having a replica badge printed on his car number plate to recognize his service to his regiment.

Grandfather-of-two David Horlick, 74, was reduced to tears when two police officers gave him a fixed penalty ticket for displaying his loyalty to the Royal Naval School of Music.

They told the widower from Walton he had to remove the illegal plate bearing the insignia of the Marines and pay the £30 fine – or go to court.

Fined: Retired marine David Horlick has had to pay up and change his number plate after displaying the replica badge

Mr Horlick who joined the Royal Marines as a 16-year-old, said: “I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. I wanted the replica badge on the number plate because my late wife Connie was very proud of the fact I was a Royal Marine.

“I had seen Liverpool and Everton supporters put their badge on their car registration plates, which is understandable. As an ex-Royal Marine I wanted my badge there.

“I paid the fine and removed the plate, but I feel hard done to.

Police said the officers were following strict regulations, and registration plates were allowed to display only “an acceptable international symbol or flag.”

Acting Inspector Steve Hardy of the roads policing department, said: “Merseyside police prides itself on setting and maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and quality of service.

“We understand this gentleman’s frustration and we will of course look into the reasons behind this decision, but according to the regulations registration plates are only permitted to display an acceptable international symbol or flag.

“By ensuring every road user abides by the law it then allows the technology we have to work more efficiently.”

Under Government laws established in October, number plates can only include a European Union symbol, Union flag, Scottish Saltire, Cross of St George or Red Dragon. Football crests are banned…


Well done Merseyside Police, talk about “the nick of the day” what a sad bunch of coppers you must be. Personally, I would have gone all the way to court and showed what assholes (not the law) these two coppers are that actually initiated the processing of this old bootneck for such a Trivia. Plus, the duty officer for sanctioning it and finally for taking £30 out of this guys pocket.

I can hold my head up high and categorically state that whilst I served my 10 years in the Met, I/we processed/arrested real criminals in those days…


A retired Royal Marine has been fined for having a replica badge printed on his car number plate to recognise his service to his regiment.

Grandfather-of-two David Horlick, 74, was reduced to tears when two police officers gave him a fixed penalty ticket for displaying his loyalty to the Royal Naval School of Music.

They told the widower from Walton he had to remove the illegal plate bearing the insignia of the Marines and pay the £30 fine – or go to court.

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DavidHorlickFined: Retired marine David Horlick has had to pay up and change his number plate after displaying the replica badge

Mr Horlick who joined the Royal Marines as a 16-year-old, said: “I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. I wanted the replica badge on the number plate because my late wife Connie was very proud of the fact I was a Royal Marine.

“I had seen Liverpool and Everton supporters put their badge on their car registration plates, which is understandable. As an ex-Royal Marine I wanted my badge there.

“I paid the fine and removed the plate, but I feel hard done to.

Police said the officers were following strict regulations, and registration plates were allowed to display only “an acceptable international symbol or flag.”

Acting Inspector Steve Hardy of the roads policing department, said: “Merseyside police prides itself on setting and maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and quality of service.

“We understand this gentleman’s frustration and we will of course look into the reasons behind this decision, but according to the regulations registration plates are only permitted to display an acceptable international symbol or flag.

“By ensuring every road user abides by the law it then allows the technology we have to work more efficiently.”

Under Government laws established in October, number plates can only include a European Union symbol, Union flag, Scottish Saltire, Cross of St George or Red Dragon. Football crests are banned
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