The “Stripping Down” of our Armed Forces


I get so many emails concerning the current “cut backs” concerning our armed forces. Whilst other major powers who “Police” the rest of the world seem to building/strengthening theirs. Its impossible to post them all.

Apart from current conflicts that we are aware about what about the ones that are gently bubbling under the lid?…

Especially the current Major four concerns which are; Syria, Iran, Turkey, Argentina and finally North Korea. Not including the smaller melting pots all over the world which require area presence of military forces.


We Brits always site this as an example (and we should). Even though there is a large contingency of RAF etc on our favorite island I doubt whether we could muster 5 ships never mind hundreds as previously to get down there asap.

No carriers worth speaking of with at least a unit of Marines (maybe put up with a few paras if we have to), loads of Choppers and a few Harriers on board. This was always a great combination to get “Firepower” to a location and show strength.

I cited North Korea previously, maybe this is not too much of a concern as its not on our doorstep but more importantly it`ll probably be decided by others to turn it into a “sheet of glass”.  Whereas as The Falklands are OURS.


Syria, Iran and Turkey are probably three of the countries that will blow next, and could be much worse than our current battles. Israel sits on the fence surrounded by “Unease” and is kept on a leash by the good ole` US of A. Had this not been done then the entire middle east would be a skating rink and extended Disney Park by now. I am however very glad that Israel are on “our” side as they have a formidable Arms Industry, are well protected with or without the USA. plus their numbers in strength are of, approx;

170,000 full time active soldiers and 500,000 conscripts at any one time plus everyone else in the population between the ages of 21 and 55 that could “police” their country whilst the rest are fighting.

Not including their Air Force (with some of the best pilots in the world and jets) and their Navy (which make our “floaters) look like toys. They are absolutely Formidable in their own right. As we once were…….

I have no intention of demeaning our own Military which as far as I am concerned is the Best, always was and hopefully always will be. Cutting back at this moment in time is a bad move…

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