Falklands Lecture & Book Signing

Falklands Lecture & Book Signing

‘‘The Yompers”

A fighting Royal Marine’s perspective of the Falklands War

27th June… 12noon to 1430hrs (RM Museum)

A lecture by Ian Gardiner, who commanded a rifle company in 45 Commando Royal Marines in the Falklands War, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War.  Ian. The lecture gives a Royal Marine’s perspective on the Falklands War and will be chaired by Major General Julian Thompson CB OBE, who was Commander of 3 Commando Brigade during that time.

A book signing will follow the lecture.

£10 per ticket (includes lunch) available from the Museum on 023 9281 9385

12:00 Buffet Lunch & Refreshments

1:00 Lecture starts

1:45 Q & A

2:30 Book Signing

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