Scots Guards – 45 Veterans – Falklands Baby

Scots Guards Remember The Falklands War

(Plus Falklands baby 30 years on

Ex Members of The Scots Guards gathered at “The Fife Arms” pub in Kirkcaldy to see their new Standard which will be dedicated and proudly displayed at a forthcoming parade in Blackpool on Sunday the 17th June, which will see The Scots Guards march to The Cenotaph, and remember their Fallen who were killed 30 years ago at the Tumbledown battle during The Falklands War. The Standard has the names of the fallen embroidered on the standard. Those names who will never be forgotten are … John Pashley (Royal Engineer) – and Archibald Stirling – Clark Mitchell MID – Derek Denholm – David Malcolmson – Daniel Wight – James Reynolds DCM – John Simeon – Ronald Tanbini all Scots Guards.

 Also present on Saturday evening were members of The Arbroath based 45 Commando Veterans Scotland, and special guest was Karen Street, who was a two and a half year old baby living in Port Stanley when The Islands were invaded by The Argentine military.  Karen or Kae as she prefers to be known was born in Port Stanley Hospital on 28 Sept` 1979 and admittedly doesn`t remember much about the war as she was a young baby. What she does know is what she read over the years and stories from family members who remember all too well.  Kae explained immediately after the invasion she was hastily moved by her Mother to relatives at Northarm just South of Goose Green, where her Mother believed she would be safe. Of course we now know there was a fierce battle at Goose Green between the British Para`s and Argentine troops, but thanks to her family Rae survived unscathed. Kae left The Falkland Islands on the ship Uganda when she was 4 years old and moved with her family to Worthing in West Sussex but returned to Stanley in 95-96 to attend Falkland Islands Community College where she completed her last year at school. Although Her Mother and Sister remain on The Falklands, Kae now resides in Perth where she works at a Charity Cat Shop.

Photographed with the new Standard are members of the Scots Guards / 45 Veterans / and centre front is Kae Street (Falklands Baby)

Click here for original picture

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