Membership of “”Friends of the Royal Marines Museum”

Foxnwolf comments…….

I noticed on the minutes of the FRMM  held on 22nd March 2017 that membership numbers are now only 548 !!!

We must have a new member recruitment drive taken on-board ASAP

All you Bootnecks out there in the big wide world Get a Grip and sign up, we cant let the Corp Museum close / disappear or be left to the vultures. So, whether your young / old /serving / retired / family member / whatever… From Acton to Afghan, sign up now.

From £10 to £13 a year by check, bacs, DD, or SO your support is greatly appreciated and needed.

The museum is about to move over to the RN “Historical” Dockyard. Lets support this move and the day to day running costs of the museum and the collection and preservation of all the artifacts they have now and everything else in the future.

Please pass this plea thru out the Booty community world wide. Application form to join is here….. “Click Here”

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