The Funeral Details For The Late Major Gary Baines RM

Just to inform you that I am the Funeral Officer for the late Maj Gary Baines RM who’s Celebration of Life Service is being held at Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene, Taunton at 1230 hrs Mon 15 Jun 15. This invite is extended to all family, civilian and military friends, RBL and RMA standard bearers and members that may have known Maj Baines RM.

This will be followed by a cremation service at Taunton Deane Crematorium at 1400 hrs for close friends and relatives only.

On completion, a wake will be held in the Officers’ Mess. Anyone not attending the cremation service are invited back directly to the Officers’ Mess. Close friends and family will move to the Officers Mess on completion of the cremation service. For security reasons, anyone requiring access to camp should carry photo ID. Details of any members wishing to attend the wake are to forward their details (Full name, RMA name, vehicle registration, make , colour and model and passenger names) to SSgt Andy Harriott (40 Cdo MPGS Platoon Commander).

Would you be able to pass this information on to the various RMA members RBL contacts you have out there please buddy? That would be greatly appreciated.

Sgt Mick Slunker is the DL1 responsible for the Firing Party and pall bearer party training. If any standard bearers are willing to attend then please get them to get in touch with Mick on 07748 932705.

Many thanks

John Smillie
93780 4261
07785 285632

Yours in Sorrow

Richie Puttock
Operations Manager

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