Timings for The Freedom March 25th July 2014


The timings for the Freedom March that is due to take place on Friday 25th July 2014 are as follows.
You will be required to be at Finsbury Square (about 1 min away from the HAC) at 1030……..and no later.
There will be a memorial service at 1100
The parade will step off at approximately 1130 to march to the Guildhall, which is just over a mile away
The reception will start at approximately 1200 and will last for a couple of hours.
You only have until Friday 6th of June to register to march. This will be the largest event of its type for the whole of RM350 and details of how to apply to take part in the march have been on the last 3, or 4 Rep Nets.
At the moment we are still short of marchers so please get a wiggle on and get your names in to march by sending the following details to this email.
Membership number
Wheelchair user………we only have capacity for 6 wheelchair users but only have one taker so far.
And a valid email address or contact number
Send this to the following email address           rm350freedommarch@outlook.com
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