New Hampshire cop strips down and walks home in his underwear after being let go

After Ousting, Croydon, New Hampshire Police Chief walks home in boots, briefs…

Former Croydon Police Chief Richard Lee talks with a reporter at his home in Newport, N.H., on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020. The selectboard eliminated the town’s police department. (Valley News – Jennifer Hauck) Copyright Valley News. May not be reprinted or used online without permission. Send requests to

Selectboard Chairman Russell Edwards and the other two board members Ian Underwood and Joe Marko should be ashamed of themselves. They should be fired, stripped down and sent out into the street, to walk home. The board handled this all wrong, from all points of the compass (who on earth voted the board in to do this job, and who are the board accountable to). Somebody voted them in.

Obviously not knowing the ins and outs of why the board “cornered” Richard like a Rat in a Trap this situation should never have happened.

I hope Richard gets a decent lawyer to handle this. The board gets Fired. Richard gets reinstated as Chief of Police, new contract offered with the Hampshire Police, pay rise,  and compensation for the Humilating position he was put in after 20 years serving his community.

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