The situation in Mexico is dire, law and order has completely broken down and having holidays there is only fueling the backhanders paid to Cartels and Gangs etc by the business that earn money from tourists on Holidays.
No £££ or $$$ goes down the food chain to the people it goes to the owners who have the companies registered (off shore) they in turn pay for “protection” to stay in business which involve the Police, Legal system, Cartels and Gangs…
Hotel workers earn more in tips than they get in wages. Plus all tips are chucked into a pot and supposedly equally given out ? (i doubt that)..
So, while your curled up in your hotel room, getting drunk on cheap drink or curling your toes in the sand…
This is whats happening outside your Hotel Gates… These are daily events not “one off”
Seven year old girl found butchered & 25 year old girl found butchered and skinned