Marine “A” sentencing Judge is Help 4 Heroes Director/Trustee


H4H must be proud

His Honor Judge Jeff Blackett, Judge Advocate General – Graduated in law from University College London and was selected to read for the bar before completing a Master of Studies in Legal Research 2000 at Oxford.

He prosecuted, defended and sat as judge advocate at Naval courts martial throughout his career and latterly sat in part time civilian judicial appointments when Service commitments permitted. Later appointments in the Royal Navy included the Commander of HMS COLLINGWOOD, the Director of Navy Pay and Pensions and the Chief Naval Judge Advocate and Director of Naval Legal Services from which he retired in the rank of Commodore in October 2004.

His judicial appointments have been Naval Judge Advocate, Acting Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate and Recorder. He was appointed as a Circuit Judge on the South Eastern Circuit and Judge Advocate General of the Armed Forces on 1 November 2004. He became a Senior Circuit Judge in 2005 and was elected Bencher of Gray’s Inn in July 2008. He was appointed Special Professor of law at Nottingham University in 2010.

More on the rest of the Board…

Foxnwolf comments……

I didn’t notice any help and/or support for Al Blackman from H4H!!!Obviously, apologies abound if I am wrong…

Personally, for some time now any “funds” I have go straight to the RMA. As good a job that H4H does it does rip the arse out of the RM Coffers. Plus the “Boards” Salaries are somewhat questionable and “Judge Dredd” just put the nail in the coffin as far as I am concerned…

As for the “Judge” I think he should have “passed” sitting on that case due to his commitments as a Director/Trustee on the board of H4H (maybe he needed the £££). The two “LG`s” also sitting on the board must feel a tad uncomfortable (I hope so) …

Résumé… (you can Google the rest)

Judge Dredd (1)

Judge Dredd (2)

Judge Dredd (3)

Judge Dredd (4)

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