Having watched in awe the Vice President of the NRA on

Sky News today I am Speechless

His recommendations on what should be done to prevent any more shootings is to place armed personnel in every school as a preventative measure. so, as time trundles on he might as well am every cab driver, bus driver and toll booth attendant. Plus, every reception desk from a cinema down to McDonald’s. Hey… why not just hand a firearm to everyone over the age of 18 as long as they can read and write…….

Absolutely no responsibility was admitted whatsoever except for; Its the medias fault, its the film companies fault and its also the fault of organizations not willing to arm those that could protect themselves. What a Asshole…….

Never mind just banning the so called “Assault Weapons” as this title is ambiguous and therefore worthless.

  1. Ban outright all Semi automatic weapons for sale to the general public at large*
  2. Have a “Amnesty” of 12 months for these weapons to be handed in by owners and the gun stores along with their ammunition for disposal. And, pay them their actual worth as shown on the record of receipt of purchase at the time
  3. After the Amnesty start going thru the firearms sales registers and issue warrants for officers to attend addresses and seize the items not handed in as previously notified
  4. Jail terms sentences for non compliance to be as strict as possible

*Except for police officers, government service officials or other reasonable personnel such as security guards in an unsafe environment etc… either still working or retired.

Thats what I think anyway… Stand your ground Mr President


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