What a Way to be Treated

“Hi let me introduce myself .doc”

Help Support and Get Justice for Rod… Rally your MP “Click Here for More Info

These scars borne by Rod were not earned in Borneo or Malaya

or by Chasing Bandits thru the Ying Yang

They were caused by the NHS


“Doctor Botch-Up” now has a private practice in London

(emailed; The Sun Newspaper on 5th Nov 2012 and on 17th Nov 2012… no reply yet)

(emailed; Dr Daniel Poulter MP on 17th Nov 2012…)

(emailed; Mr Ben Gummer MP on 17th Nov 2012…)

(emailed and Txt; James Whale LBC on 19th Nov 2012…)

(emailed; Mr Jeffrey Donaldson MP on 19th Nov 2012…)

(emailed; Mr Paul Dacre, Editor of The Daily Mail on 20th Nov 2012…)

(emailed; Mr Geordie Greig, Editor of The Mail on Sunday on 20th Nov 2012…)

Sir / Madam

I am a close friend of Rod who is a retired Royal Marine of the old school (Veteran of Borneo, Malaya and other Skirmishes you never heard of).

A case of negligence ongoing for around 4  or 5 years has been dropped by Rods solicitor/barrister due to the comments of a supposedly “A-List” Neuro Surgeon (Mr Eldridge, Liverpool) who has completely Overridden the statements and comments of another leading Neuro Surgeon (Dr Al Kaisey, London) who fully supported Rod and was willing to attend court along with other witnesses for a trial of negligence against the operating surgeon Mr Afshar and his PCT.

I and a number of Rods other close friends believe (after reading between the lines of Gobbledegook) of the final report that there is a conflict of interest between the “A-List” surgeon and the “operating surgeon” and the attitude of (well, we always do it this way). The supporting surgeon backing Rods Negligence claim is a renowned Neuro Surgeon and has vast experience in this particular operation and its primary procedures. The solicitor handling the case wanted another “witness” as bakup so Dr Al Kaisey recommended his “friend” Mr Eldridge. Mr Eldridge finally came back with a Damming report against Dr Al Kaisey for his “mis-information” with regards to this particular case. The lawyer/barrister supposedly working with Rods interest in mind just closed the case as soon as they had the report from Mr Eldridge in Liverpool.

The Mr Afshar the offending surgeon apparently left the NHS and set up practice in Harley Street, London. Mr Afshar has App` been found guilty of negligence etc in other cases in the past.

Rod has suffered tremendously and has a back like Clapham Junction due to the inadequacies of the NHS, who are guarding there tracks very carefully. Apart from suffering depression, anxiety and swallowing handfuls of pills every day just to keep the pain away and function daily. His lovely wife Rose has been a bedrock of support but not a day passes when she isn’t in tears over this situation.

I have attached 1 picture of Rods back please contact him and see if you can help as he and we have no one else to turn to and try and get him justice. Rod has a file with all the paperwork in the right places and can show you a brief summary of the case so far. I have permission to pass his personal details on to you. Kindly contact him asap.

Rods personal details limited on this site;

Mr Rod Spinks

Cell#; 07979 022 094


We all appreciate any assistance you can give Rod and Rose in their time of need and to show the Negligence of the operating surgeon Mr Afshar and the PCT involved and the Coercion of a leading surgeon Damming a report of another surgeon (his close friend) which completely brought this claim to a shuddering halt. Mr Al Kaisey still stands by his report and statement of Negligence and a GP of long standing and finally another Surgeon are still willing to back Rods claim.

Kindly contact Rod directly as I am merely bringing this situation to your notice with Rods permission.

Yours sincerely

Mac (RM29918)

Help Support and Get Justice for Rod… Rally your MP “Click Here for More Info

Mac comments…

Personally I think that Rods solicitors/Barrister should have followed up on a claim for “Improper Procedure” after their claim for “Negligence” failed. Then followed up on the claim for “Negligence”. Instead of the “Sloping Shoulders & Beam me Up Scottie” attitude…

What do you think?

Mac (RM29918)

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9 Responses to The Story of Rod Spinks RM Rtd (A BOTCH UP BY A NHS SURGEON AND A COVER UP BY ANOTHER)

  1. rodders says:

    Oppo, Rose and myself thank you so very much for all your help and understanding regarding this ferk up and for being such a great friend to us,wished we could have met up years ago!!
    Never be able to thank you enough Oppo
    Rod and Rose

  2. Cpl Miller says:

    As a United States Marine and a Viet Nam war veteran I am in total amazment how our military puts their collective butts on the line for our respective countries and things like this are allowed to happen. Rod who is one stand up Marine does not deserve this kind of treatment. These doctors need to do some jail time for doing this and then trying to cover it up, how dare they do this. It would be nice to have a link to this doctors new web site for his service so we can post just how we feel about his service to others.

    Sempe Fi Marines

    Gary Miller
    A brother Marine

  3. PW3S says:

    From what I have read and been informed about Rod Spinks’ lamentable situation it would reinforces the changes in the general attitude regarding HM Forces since the era of the 1960s when Rod and his comrades were expected to carry out dangerous, exhausting missions in mountains, deserts and jungles in the certain knowledge that although injury and death were just as likely as today’s dangers, casevac and the statndard of medical care simply did not exist. and the skills of lone Medics were often the norm. Now, with supurb skills and facilities horrific wounding cases are treated and followed up to the full sequelae. Inm Rod’s case surgery was carried out by a surgeon with insufficient skills to complete the task, and the ‘supporting’ specialists were unable to produce the courage and moral fibre to admit to mistakes and failure, their individual reputations being under scrutiny. Though similar scenarios are sometimes the provence of the Police and legal systems, resulting in the inncocent serving years of incarceration because having made a mistake the professionals involved will never have the guts to admit making errors.
    In Rod’s case, his immediate requirements surely are the privision of an effective pain management regime, followed by skilful corrective surgery and monitered recovery. The country owes its former military heroes proper professional and complete treatment not just those of today, who are under constant public view. Rod would seem to be a blatant case of ‘ out of sight; out of mind’, which is a National Disgrace.

  4. rodders says:

    PW3s thank you so much for your kind words , although it does not heal the pain its nice to know that someone has taken the time to write on this great website.
    It would be good if someone from the newspapers,or a Nero Surgeon ,Dr or anyone that could help Rose and I please.
    Once again thanks
    Rod & Rose

  5. rodders says:

    A bit of new’s lad’s, thanks to Pete who pestered my local MP Ben Gummer, Ben has contacted the big wig of my local Health Dept asking him to look at my case as it was his PCT Dept that paid almost £11,000 for my first op,which as we all know went tit’s up so he must investigate this, hopefully the Shite will hit the fan,as those barsteads cannot get away from what they did not only to me but Rose as well as she was and is my Rock.This Bootneck won’t go without a fight .Watch this space as this could be very interesting !!

  6. rodders says:

    Hi Guy’s been to the Hospital pain clinic and the Dr there says he could give me a quarterzone jab,but was reluctant to do so in case itmay make things worse,so it seems he dosn’t know what to do to help this ferkin pain so I will have to put up with it, but I remain positive like a Bootneck should and hope somewhere along the line someone can help me,thank God I have Rose as she is my rock also my good Oppo Peter.
    I wrote to the Prime Minister and received a letter back saying he read my story also Peters story and he has contacted the Dept of health,also I sent all the gen to the GMC, General Medical Council, so hopefully may hear something soon,fingers crossed!!

  7. rodders says:

    Hi Guys a very kind Lady has sent me a Tens machine ,hoping that it will help me with this firkin pain so I will give it a go!!
    Thanks to Steve Searle mentioning about me at a UKIP party meeting I have received an email asking me to sent all info to Nigel Farage UKIP MEP, so fingers crossed, will keep you all up to speed.

  8. rodders says:

    Hi Guy’s my latest news regarding my chronic pain and whats happening since I wrote to the PM. I received a letter from the General Medical Council wanting to know who the surgeon was also other Consultants, Drs, dates I was in Hospital ,every one I have seen at seminars Ct scans the whole nine yards so they can somehow realise the way NHS has treated me so watch this space this could get really interesting!!

  9. rodders says:

    Hi Guy’s latest sitrep re my case I received a letter from St Barts & the Royal London Hospital couple of days ago, initially my MP told my NHS trust to investigate it this was then sent to St Barts, hopefully there are a few bums wriggling on their seats .Watch this space !! Hopefully get the Raghead Surgeon in the end.

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