My Dog “Looey”

“Looey” (Shih Tzu)… KC name; Louie King of Charm

Looey has been there for a week as he somehow slipped a disc half way down his spine and therefore urgently needed treatment. After a MRI scan for 2.5hrs and being told the 3 options. A blood clot from a stoke in his spine or a tumor or best bet a slipped disc/trapped nerve. Thank God it was the latter of the 3. Then, 2 minutes later he was under the knife for a 5.5hr op`.

Thank God I had the top level of insurance cover on Looey or my daughter would have been minus her “307cc”. To cover the approx total bill of around £5,000 (so far). He has his 13 steel staples out next week at local vets and back to the “QMHA” in a months time.

Lost use of back legs for now but feeling is returning, can stand for around 10 seconds. Its like looking after a one month old Baby. Not that I am complaining at all. As the Ad goes “He is Worth It”… Daily routine of massages to get his back legs working again, hand feeding and car rides. Updates to follow…

20th October 2012

Stitches out 2 weeks ago and healing nicely. Still learning how to walk, imagine a car with rear wheel steer then you will have an idea.

Since Looey arrived home he has been getting total of 16 hours sleep everyday.

Except when Steve “Tourettes” Newland is here its more like 20 hours sleep everyday.

Off to the QMHA for 1400hrs next Wednesday for first main checkup no doubt the M25 will be on its best behavior.

Till next time…….


Insured thru “Pet-plan” under their “Ultimate Cover” range. I can thoroughly recommend insurance for your pets. Even just a Basic cover at least. Otherwise the costs can spiral like a Sam Missile. Love your pet pooch? Get it covered…

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6 Responses to My Dog “Looey”

  1. Pingback: Marine James Cobby | Locknload

  2. rodders says:

    Looey is one of those dog’s that as soon as you clamp eyes on it,you seem to be under a spell,as he’s a cute little dog, and a fantastic companion to his owner “Pete”.
    Poor little bugger has been through it , but at least he has come out on the other side,it will take a few weeks before he’s running about,but Hey he’s worth it 100%.
    His owner yes, the big Mac was like a bear with a sore arse while Looey was away , but spoke to him to-day and he’s sems more calmer, enjoy being a nurse for at least four weeks Oppo.Our love to you both, and get well soon Looey.
    Rod and Rose

  3. stevehogg says:

    Hi Pete,
    Just logged on and saw Looey hope all goes well.
    We have the same breed colour, we brought him back from Texas ,he is the world to us.
    all the best Carmen & Steve in Colchester

  4. rodders says:

    Little “Looey” is like his owner “Tough” as old boots especially with what he’s just gone through, he soon will me wearing Pete out running around his garden.
    He’s a definate “STAR” is our Looey.

  5. stevehogg says:

    Hi pete,
    Hope looey Doing fine, made me think about our (Shih Tzu) Sunny is been bad for 3 weeks, not sure of problem, will get him scanned next week.

    All the best, Stephen hogg. PO28865V.

    We back in the UK now, back from Texas.

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