Deal Barracks 2000


Thanx to “Marcel 911” for posting them on “Derelict Places” (and Danny Shepherd) for rescuing them…….

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4 Responses to Deal Barracks 2000

  1. Spike Kelly says:

    Just registered this evening so hi to all.
    I”m really saddened to see those photos. While visiting Deal in 1992 I called by to say hello. Didn’t get past the gate mind you but what I could see looked the same as I remembered. Now, It’s virtually destroyed. Noting lasts, aside from our Esprite De Corps, that is.
    Per Mare Per Terram. Spike Kelly

  2. Teflon says:

    Hi Spike, Thanx for joining the crew.

    The more the merrier. Feel free to comment/post etc. Any problems just use the “Email” link at the top of the page and rattle one off.

    Yeah, really sad how Deal turned out. Same with Seaton Barracks at top of Crown Hill, Plymouth. Googled recently and not a lot let if at all. Think they call it “Progress”, which is not always good.

    PMPT… Teflon

  3. John says:

    Its so sad too see what was such an historicle barrack reducwd to rubble especially after it was a victim of an IRA bombing. I myself spent the first ten days of my basic training at Deal Barracks. The rest of my training was continued at Lympstone. My next visit to Deal was in 1977 when I joined 41 Cdo where they reformed after their move back from Malta. Most important is the fact that they have kept the church as a memoreal to those musicians that died in the IRA bombing.

  4. John says:

    Its so sad too see what was such an historicle barrack reduced to rubble especially after it was a victim of an IRA bombing. I myself spent the first ten days of my basic training at Deal Barracks. The rest of my training was continued at Lympstone. My next visit to Deal was in 1977 when I joined 41 Cdo where they reformed after their move back from Malta. Most important is the fact that they have kept the church as a memorial to those musicians that died in the IRA bombing. Perhaps it might have been more cost effective for 40 Cdo to move to Deal insteat of Taunton.

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