SSBN634 – Eternal Patrol Ron Miyabara CSCC(SS)

Sad news to report and I apologize for this late notice.   Ronald Sadao Miyabara CSCS(SS) passed on April 10, 2017.   He was a Blue Crew Plank-owner and Russ Marble’s daughter sent me his obituary which is attached.   He served on the 634 from 1964 to 1967.  He also served in the following boats:
        USS Greenfish (SS-354)  1957-61
        USS Barbero (SS/AKSS/SSG-317)
        USS Grayback (SSG/LPSS/APSS-574)  1964
        USS Nathan Hale (SSBN-623) 1970-72
I believe I made one patrol with Ron, but I know from other shipmates that he was a good friend and touched many lives.  He will be missed.
    Sailor, rest your oar… Jeff
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