SSBN 634 – Next Reunion and 2017 Wrap-up

Shipmates and Friends:  The next reunion will be in the fall of 2019 at Groton CT.   Dave Fernandez is working on it and I’ll keep you posted regarding the details.

The 2017 Reunion was a great success.   From what Sue and I could tell, everyone had a good time and we were pleased that there was a good bunch from the 1990’s crews.     We had 103 registrations which included 65 shipmates.   Attached are the minuets from the 2017 Business Meeting and a financial report that covers the reunion’s expenses and income.

To all who came, Thanks.    To all shipmates, please consider the 2019 Reunion in Groton CT.    That’s a great place for bubble-heads and their spouses and guests.

click here for “2017-SSBN634 Association Business Meeting Minutes

click here for “2017-Reun-FinancailStmst-Final-1

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