Photos from Darell`s Day 2016

Photos from Darell`s Day 2016

Album #1

Album #2


Has the Corp Missed Something After 350 years ???

Captain Darell, Languard Fort and Darells Day is actually still not recognised in the Corp History
After 350 Years Dont You Think it Should be ???

Extract from posting, on Locknload… “Since 1667, ‘Darell’s Day’ has continued to be celebrated locally and is focused around Landguard Fort.  The action is also notable as the last opposed seaborne invasion of England and the first land battle of the future Royal Marines”

Two points to make on the wording…“only celebrated Locally at the fort… & notable last opposed seaborne invasion and first land battle of the future Royal Marines”

Foxnwolf comments…

1. Darells Day should be The Most Active, Loud and Proud Annual Event for the Corp and Everything should be done to Promote this Landmark event throughout the year.

2. This is where we all kicked off, what we are all about and what we stand for. But somehow its got lost in the corridors of power and red tape 350 years to sort it, disgusting… There should be a Corp Flag flying from the top of the Fort 24/7…

Darell’s Day is the Regional Event for the RMA East Anglia Region, But… they get offered crumbs and minimal support with regards to the Corp.

If Rod Spinks didn’t Make, Beg, Prof or Borrow along with Steve all the kit in the G10 Store there would only be a bucket on a shelf in an empty room.

Finally, Rod & Steve are from the North East Essex Branch of the Association…

lets chase the corp on this issue

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