SSBN634 – Plaque and Bench and 2017 Reunion Planning Update

Shipmates:  It’s been a while since I’ve sent anything out.  I hope all is well with everyone.   This is an update on some ongoing projects.
1.   Plaque.   The Plaque is finished but not placed on the wall as yet.  Thanks to Jay Highland, 68-69 Blue for his work with the acquisition of the plaque.   It can be viewed at
2.  Bench.   The bench is under construction.   It is estimated to be installed in August or September of this year.  Thanks to John Lookabill  67-72 Gold for his work on the Bench acquisition.
3.  2017 Reunion.   We’ve selected Charleston and are finalizing our negotiations with the hotel.   The dates will be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 27 through October 1, 2017.   I will be putting out the Registration form and Hotel information in June.. I wish to thank Dave Vanderveen, Larry Giangrande, Lenny Robbins, and Edna Boroski for their work on the reunion selection.
I will update you when I have further information.    Thanks,  Jeff Morris  ’67-70 Blue
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