Red v Green

Last time I and others in the Green team met up with you lot in the Red team was in a shanty town called Sennybridge in Wales. Apart from the Pubs shutting at 18oohrs (yeah, early 70`s) and barbed wire wall 6ft high and 3ft wide had been erected prior to our arrival which split the camp in half.

They of course forgot to “section off” the NAFFI (you remember that non profit making organization) its probably “Aramak” now. Any way, I digress a tad to far.

Fun was had by all and it all kicked off when a Stripey from the Red`s had to go to the heads (thats “Toilet” for you in the Red team). A couple from the Green`s volunteered to “follow on” and “secure his location”. After a short while members of the Red`s kind of missed their oppo and started sending out Recce groups.

Meanwhile us Booties had rigged up the camp (their side) with a few Thunderflashes set on “trips” and tucked away in bins, boxes, heads, lockers etc.

The punishment !! Ah, that was running up and down (whilst vomiting) the Brecons carrying Jerry cans full of water. Yup, the Red`s got punished as well. Why? They set off all the “surprises”, everyone of them so they also had to do the running alongside us as well.

Only problem was we were tipped off by one of our “Admin” boys who had listeded in while the Hierarchy from both units had a chat to sort us out the next day. So, in the wee hours before  everyone woke up an advance team was dispatched and filled most of their Jerry cans in advance with water for them (prior to filling them with a “bit of sand”).

Yes, whilst we could run up and down with difficulty you guys were somewhat struggling to say the least. The last thing I heard quite a few of their vehicles broke down on the way home as the “water” in the Jerry cans was used to top up the MK`s, Landrovers and Staff vehicles prior to leaving Sennybridge (blocked rad`s, what a bummer).

The Good Old Days, any more stories? drop them here…


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