The Graspan Parade And Reception – Sunday 15th May 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Please find the outline timings and detail for the forthcoming Graspan Parade and Reception.

Please note the following timings for the day so that you can make the required travel arrangements.

0930 – 1045     Coaches and minibuses arrive at North Ride ( you must enter via Marlborough Road) where you will be met by security and handed your passes which must be prominently displayed in the vehicle at all times.

0930 -1130       I will be at the Guards Memorial to give out service sheets and answer any questions you may have. There will also be a water station here if the weather is very warm. Please have your tickets with you so they can be scanned

0930 – 1130      Spectators move to area of the Graspan Memorial.

1125 (approx.)         Those marching will form up on Horseguards Parade under the direction of the DL’s.

1145 (approx.)         The parade marches to the Graspan Memorial.

1200       Service commences

1230       (approx.)        Service complete

1235      The parade commences its march down the Mall.

1300      The Parade is dismissed.

1315       Coaches and Minibuses to leave North Ride ASAP.


1330      Guests may start arriving at the Union Jack Club
Please have your reception ticket/RMA ID (photo ID if not an RMA member) ready at this point. Your tickets will be scanned and then exchanged for your drinks tokens at this point.

1430       Food available from all serving stations

1700       Reception finishes, although The UJC are happy to host you for as long as you wish to stay.

Tickets for the reception are now sold out

We look forward to seeing you there.

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