Purple Warriors Are Launched


I am a retired Lt Col (ex Cdo gunner) and a GB paddler.  A group of my paddling friends, some ex military, some just plain civilian supporters, totally inspired by our veterans, have got together to launch a new sports initiative for serving and retired servicemen and women who have suffered some form of impairment (physical or mental) as a result of their service.  One of the founders is CSgt Broadhurst, Chief Cook at 40 Cdo, and he has already briefed your Mark Ormrod on the background.

It is a dragon boat club – called Purple Warriors – and it is hoped it will grab the sport by the scruff of the neck and give it a good shaking.  We officially launched the initiative on Tuesday 5 April 2016.

Please feel free to contact either myself or Jenni Henderson if you have any specific questions.



I would be most grateful if you would see how you could promote our initiative on your website and/or through your social media, p Purple Warriors will have a website, Facebook and LinkedIn presence, and Twitter and Instagram accounts.

We seek no funding at the moment, just support to spread the word.

Many thanks in anticipation

Nigel Bedford……. “http://purplewarriors.org/

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