Can You Help Louis Taylor?

Louis was recently digging in his garden and unearthed a medal from the gentleman named below. As you can see, he would love to be able to return the medal to the family of this Royal Marine. If you think you can help in any way then please email Louis on the following email address.


GH . 863 – S – PTE – J . C . SULLIVAN . R . M . L . TPrivate CH/863(S), 1st (Royal Marine) Battalion, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Royal Naval Division. Died 23rd November 1916 aged 21 years. Born Gillingham. Son of Mr and Mrs Sullivan of 13 May Terrace, Old Brompton, Kent. Buried Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France. Grave reference XX.B.8.

I would be absolutely chuffed to honour this young man’s death by giving this medal to his family.  In my short research, I have learned that the medal was almost certainly awarded with another two, so I plan to get a metal detector and check for them when I finish digging out the tree.

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Regards… Louis Taylor

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