The Wolverhampton and Cambridge Branches Need Your Help

“Blackcountry Bootnecks”

We come from a place which has no defined boundary and an accent and dialect older than any other, bred for the foundry and known for making the chain and anchor for the Titanic.  We are the farthest of any from the sea yet we chose an occupation were it became part of our DNA.

Wolverhampton, the city of Banks’s Bitter, Black Pudding, canals and Slade is beckoning you into our fold.  We meet at 20.00 the third Friday of every month at the RAFA, 26 Goldthorn Road, Wolverhampton WV2 4PN.

Our values are; friendship, loyalty and Apollo 13 (failure is not an option)
Perfectly formed we are not, but you can help get us there.
All ages welcome, bring an oppo, bring your other half just come and walk into the unknown and see the potential.


The Cambridge Branch also need members to join the branch urgently or they will need to close. Lets not let this happen so please get in touch with the branch secretary and get involved.

They meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 12.00 and the secretary can be contacted on the following number and email.


01763 262534

Secretary: Michael John Linnette

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