Speed Limit       30mph             40mph             50mph              60mph             70mph

Speed Course    35 – 42mph     46 – 53mph      57 – 64mph      68 – 75mph      79 – 86mph

Fixed Penalty    43 – 49mph     54 – 65mph      65 – 75mph      76 – 85mph      87 – 95mph

Prosecution       50 and over     66 and over     76 and over      86 and over     96 plus

Speed awareness course… Drivers are eligible to attend a course if they are within the speed threshold above.

The course will be held at a local venue near to where you live.

It will cost £90 and NO POINTS or FURTHER FINES will be imposed as long as you attend the course which lasts for approx 4 hours.

If you miss your designated appointment for the course you will be prosecuted, fined and points awarded.

If you have already completed a awareness course within the last 3 years this option is not available and you will be prosecuted, fined and points awarded.

Foxnwolf comments…….

How do I know this ??? I got Zapped recently doing 42mph in a 30mph zone (am looking forward to the tea and biscuits) courtesy of Hampshire Police.

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