British Veterans National Defence Medal (NDM) Campaign

Dear Friends,

Firstly a big thank you and welcome to all those who have recently joined the site and have given their support to the campaign over the Christmas period.

The 38° campaign now stands at 5,108, so word is spreading slowly. Please keep up the good work of letting others know about the campaign.

We have received a reply to our request for information as to why they NDM was turned down. As you will see the MOD failed to answer a single question posed in out letter of 20th November. Rather they replied with a meaningless one page blanket approach stating their current position on the subject. Hardly open, honest and transparent. Their letter of 17 December also implies that somehow their decision NOT to award the NDM has been given ‘Royal Approval’. We believe this is yet another untrue and misleading statement and have written to the Palace voicing our concerns.

As this is a matter of Great National Importance and Public Interest we have replied to their response demanding they provide an answer to these important questions and asking why they have continued to mislead Parliament and the Public about the true possible cost of the medal. Details of the correspondence can be found here:

The MOD made no comment or observation on our revised funding model and continue to quote ridiculous costs for implementation of the medal, despite these costs projections being discredited by their own internal review.

The MOD continue to deny all FOI requests to try and ascertain the truth of the HD Committee decision/rational and we have entered what will be a long a formal complaints/appeals process to challenge this.

On behalf of the NDM Team may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your efforts in supporting the Campaign. Please keep letting your friends and colleagues know about the campaign, we need to reach a much wider audience of public support.

Take care and all the very best for 2016.

NDM Team

If you wish to take direct action please write to or email your MP, The Prime Minister, Cabinet Office and HD Committee demanding action NOW.

The Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister, No 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA

The Cabinet Office – 70 Whitehall, London SW1A 2AS

Defence Services Secretary, Honours and Commemorations, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Defence, Main Building, Whitehall, London SW1A 2HB

Thank you for signing the petition Official Recognition for our Veterans, can you help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends?

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