The Passing Of The Following Former RM Officers

It is with regret that we have to inform you of the death of the following retired RM Officers:

Maj R C Clifford MBE RM
DOB    14 May 1946
DOE    21 Sep 1964
DOR    14 Oct 1996
DOD    15 Nov 2015

The funeral is strictly family only, the dates for memorial service will be promulgated once known.

Lt C K Bagshaw CMG OBE RM
DOB    5 Oct 1943
DOE    13 Feb 1961
DOR    22 Sep 1974
DOD    11 Nov 2015

Funeral/Memorial dates will be promulgated once known.

Both officers where in YO Batch 30.

Capt Duncan MacMillan RM, former 3 Cdo Bde Air Sqn RM Pilot.
DOB    23 Sep 39
DOE    1 May 62
DOR    30 May 77
DOD    15 Nov 15

These are the funeral arrangements for Captain Duncan Macmillan Royal Marines:

1230 hours, Monday 7th December at St James the Great, Radley. Oxfordshire. Then afterwards at the Bowyer Arms. Foxborough Rd, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3AE

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