Happy Birthday To Victor Craddock

Happy Birthday To Victor Craddock

Victor Craddock

Victor Craddock will be 90 years old on November 21st and I wondered if you could surprise him by mentioning his birthday in your November news sheet.  He joined the Royal marines on 13th January 1944 at Plymouth and his number was PLY/X4446.  At first he was a sea service Marine and served on HMS Newfoundland but later volunteered for Commandos and trained in, I think, Towyn and then at Achnacarry.

He was invalided out of the service in 1954 after falling from a window in Malta.  He is very proud to have been a Royal marine Commando and was Chairman of the Basingstoke branch of the RMA and also the Chairman of the RNA. He is always very proud to attend the Remembrance days service in Basingstoke although he can’t march now but wears his green beret and many medals with pride.  A few years ago Radio Scotland asked for memories of training at Achnacarry for their program called” Castle Commandos” and Vic wrote out his memories and they were used in the program.

He always says that he wishes he could go back in years and join the Royal Marines again, but I know he would be very proud to have his name mentioned.

Chris Craddock

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