Royal Marines Association Golf Society

Royal Marines Association Golf Society

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A quick update on the RMA Golf Society.  Please note that we are half way through the season now and the golf has been a bit like the weather – a little changeable!  But we have had many highly entertaining and enjoyable days out.  I won’t dwell on the past here as I want to look ahead.

We have a few events coming up which warrant your attention and I would ask you to make a note and try to attend as many as you can.

Belfry North v South Match – this weekend Sunday/Monday 23/24 August.  The inaugural North v south match.  This is mainly a South West v South West match this year but we do have one or two from other areas attending.  We hope the weather will shine on us and all have a great weekend.  We will report next week on the results.

Society v Thorverton – Thursday 27 August.  George has a team for this match next week.  It seems as if the hospital must have kicked the Thorverton team out following their hip replacements and got them ready at last.

RMA Annual Society Day – Thursday 17 September Tiverton GC.  This is the big day for the society and we are keen to get everyone to come along.  IT will start in the morning with the AGM and be followed by a match just for us.  Tiverton is a great course if you have not played it and the weather has been booked.  We will end the day with a good meal and a couple of glasses of whatever you fancy.  This will lead into and select the team for ….

The RMA v RM Match – Friday 18 September Tiverton GC.  This is the annual match sponsored by the RMA prior to the RMA Reunion.  The team will be selected from those who play on the Thursday and those who volunteer but cannot make the Thursday.  It will be the usual format with the RM hosting us this year.  With the Corps programme more stable now we look forward to a day with full teams.  Anyone who turns up on the day will get a game regardless of whether they are selected for the formal ‘team’, so come along.

End of Season Match –Thursday 22 October Ashley Wood GC.  Match v The Royal Wessex Yeomanry (RWxY) to mark the end of the season.  But to prove it’s not really the end of season…

The Turkey Trot – Thursday 17 December Tiverton GC.  This really is the end of season event and was a great success last year.  Come along and grab yourself some Christmas fare.

Other events will follow these and will be added to the website and advertised at the AGM.  If you wish to play in any of these please let George Martin know at the email address: .
He will let you know how to pay then.

Can I add one final plea – if you can make it please do come to the Society Day on Thursday 17 September at Tiverton.  We want to make this a great annual main event.  The prizes cup will be over flowing!


Paul Denning OBE   Chairman RMA GS  – “The Royals. And Ancients.”

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