Jarra Brown and the book launch “46 miles”

BBC Breakfast TV Interview with Jarra Brown And Book Launch On Plymouth Hoe

Tomorrow (Friday 27th) sometime between 08:30 and 09:15 on BBC Breakfast Morning News during a five minute slot he will be interviewed by Jon Kay.  In previous media interviews Jarra has heaped much praise on the efforts of Royal Marines Association and intends to do the same tomorrow.

All the indications are that there will be a big media presence at the Book Launch at 15:00 on Sat (27th) Plymouth Hoe in the Navy Village, particularly when the ladies doing the yomp in memory of the Magnificent Seven from 42 Cdo finish their yomp at the same time as the book is being launched.

Jarra states that there will be bereaved family members from our Corps and also The Rifles attending this event.  The Holiday Inn on the Hoe have allocated a room for our use after the event and all are welcome, so that those families can meet and chat to those who saw their men and women come home.

Because it appears that this book launch and associated activities are going to generate interest from the media and general public way beyond our expectations it is asked that as many veterans and especially RMA Standards attend.

Poole Branch hope to have six members with the Branch Standard present for this ‘BIG’ event.

So please folks your help and support is urgently required.

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