Rod Spinks in hospital with Pneumonia Infection

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Rod Spinks in hospital with Pneumonia Infection

I was aware of Rodders predicament from Friday 10th and unable to get this to my website as I was having a weekend doused in alcohol at the residence of Steve Newland RM, MM…

Update from today is that the hospital is 98% sure the infection has been confirmed. He will be staying in for a few more days and a further update will be coming tonite. Meanwhile Rodders has a supply of Oxygen and a Nebulizer that he can use voluntarily when he feels the need.

Rose his wife tried to get him in to the local hospital Friday night but a few choice words showed that he was unwilling as you are probably aware his experience with the NHS in the past has not been good so I can see why he was hesitant in going in initially.

If you wish to give him a ring he is at Ipswich Hospital languishing in “Caple Ward” and you can ask to be put thru to him on telephone # 01473 712 233… You can send him wishes directly to the social media sites for which you normally keep in touch with him or via his email address if you have it…

As you probably know Rod gives 150% in supporting the Corp he once served in various ways. The time has now come for him to “Chill a Bit”. No doubt he will still do his bit but I hope, at a much slower pace.

Love and best wishes to Rose his wife, daughter Emily and his extended family…

Mac… RM29918

Now moved to his 4th ward apparently a tad cooler and quieter !! (for Rod or for the Staff)…

Lung infection confirmed, treatable with TLC. More X-rays to come. Still poorly bless him but stoic attitude as usual.

Send him a card ASAP to…

Rod Spinks RM Rtd

C/O Caple Ward
The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
Heath Road

Mac… RM29918

Good news…

Rodders sent home pm Fri 10th… Either they wanted the bed or didn’t want the hassle over the weekend. Or, knowing Rod forced them into it. Anyway, accompanied with pills and potions there is nothing like your own pit and family round you. A Nebulizer hopefully on route to aid his breathing next week.

He has been told in no in certain terms to “Slow Down” that will be up to Rose his wife to implement.

Any cards  or teddies sent to his ward at the hospital will be forwarded / collected otherwise send to his home address if you have it or via email.

Well done Rodders and get well soon. Long haul long term but better your at now at home. Attend your appointments and pop the meds…

Mac… RM29918


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