The Funeral Of Albert Cox

The Funeral Of Albert Cox

Alberts Biological Family didnt want to pay a D-Day veteran the respect he was due but his other family did what they always do and turned up in force to say goodbye to one of their own.

Below is from Rod Spinks.

Hi Richie of all the RM funerals I have attended , to-days funeral of Albert Cox aged 97 tops the lot,we had Para and Army bikers loads of Green lids , lots of Army lad’s who just found out about Alberts passing via the networks a Bugler from Pompey he was bloody brilliant , no one from Alberts family,but he had a bigger family of Royal Marines at least 45 to 50 .Guess Albert is among the last D-Day vets , He was captured at Crete in 1941 and served 4 yrs in a German POW Camp, we will miss him at the North East Essex RMA branch as he was one hell of a character, now Albert is at peace.

Regards… Rod (extract from “Gen Dit 07_15)

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