People are scared of the amount of knife crime with apparently very little deterent to stop people carrying knifes

  1. No excuse or reason whatsoever for carrying a Knife of any sort, unless your at your place of work or at home doing DIY and the job in hand requires it.
  2. Society can be blamed to a point, inexcusable parenting, lack of schooling, not enough training opportunities or jobs and finally social media has a large negative part to play. (all this will take time to rectify, meanwhile)…
  3. Any one carrying a knife of any type caught by stop & search or information received by a third party should be arrested straightaway, no bail to be considered or even given, taken to a special court asap (set aside only for knife crimes) and jailed for 10 years (early release dependent on how they have behaved whilst incarcerated). Minimum term of 5 years to be served before any considerations whatsoever are given.
  4. Any one caught using or having used a knife to threaten, assault, injure, or kill any person should be arrested straightaway, no bail to be considered or even given, taken to a special court asap (set aside only for knife crimes) and jailed for 25 years (early release dependent on how they have behaved whilst incarcerated). Minimum term of 15 years to be served before any considerations whatsoever are given.
  • This will take a few years to get the current initial perpertrators of the streets and for social reforms as mentioned above in para 2 to take effect
  • Not enough prisons, then build them. No excuse
  • Give the police powers to do Stop & Search, whenever
  • Install more surveilance cameras able to deal with facial recognition in all public areas
  • Finally, charge the parents for “Failing Parental Care” as parents also have the largest responsibily for their children

Teresa May when she was home secretary initiated a downhill spiral when she started messing initially with the Met Police then all the other Police Forces. Very soon afterwards. Cuts in man power, cuts in pay & pensions, lowering the recruitment requirements and standards (this was a diabolical move) my eleven year old Shitzu could join and pass now, as he is in a minority group.

I know, i joined when i was 28… along with around 60 others split into two classes. 90% of us were ex british forces, along with that we also had a drill instructor who was ex Sgt Major in the Scottish Guards (you can imagine him already) the few civvie recruits fell by the wayside along the way and after 6 months we were shipped off to South London. The local villains never knew what hit them. Arrest rates and convictions hit the ceiling. Camberwell magistrates court was complaining of the workload so prisoners had to be sent to courts all over London, North and South…

After a few years we used to have “Lay Visitors”(now known as “Custody Visitors” visit the station every couple of weeks making sure the prisoners were not being tortured in the basement, or signing forced confessions, had their refreshments, food and showers if necessary. Also, a police surgeon was on hand to make sure any injuries sustained during arrest were not life threatening or if first aid was needed.

After a number of years certain politicians / lawyers / left wing anarchists managed to “redress” the police officers in the Met. They practically disbanded the very experienced ex forces officers and spread them all over the outer London area. Then the clock quickly turned back to how it was. The villains knew that the officers who were keeping an eye open were practically moved to other areas. They took the “Mick” out of the new and younger officers, crime took over and it quickly went back to how it was. Good honest, old fashioned, efficient policing went out of the window. Officers were now required to skip up the high street throwing flower petals and whistling “What a Gay Day” (i grabbed my pension pot and left)

The local population complained of the uprise in crime etc, did anyone listen… NO

I always have the attitude of “If its not broken, dont try to fix it”…….

more thoughts may follow later…


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