Bootneck Bugle NSW 31st August 2014

The meeting on the 31st August turned out to be a really lively, and dare I say happy event; well yes! It was well attended with some members who had been on their travels: Willie Tervitt had been in Scotland for several weeks. Sam Smith had been to Asia; we asked him before; “if” he was going to Fiji? Err NO! Hawaii? Err NO! Bangkok? Err NO!.. VANUATU? Err NO!…. NAW!…… PHUCKET!!

However Sam seemed.. Err! Happy with the trip and happy to be back home. I had invited Eddie Cudd who is the President of the newly formed “PARACHUTE Regimental Association New South Wales. (Phew I hope I got that right). Anyway; Eddie really seemed to warm to the Marine brotherhood as I don’t think he had been to one of our RMA Meetings before. I think he will return as he was all smiles when he left. Last but not least was Richard Bowyer he is a Major in the Serving Royal Marine Corps and part of the amphibious task group for Australia’s RAN. A most welcome new Member to the RM. NSW. Association.

John Satchwell always tries to keep in contact with the older members who for health reasons cannot attend our meetings. The past secretary Beryl Jackson, (she was Dennis Emerton’s Secretary for I would say 20years). John recently visited her and was made most welcome. She has been the custodian of a variety of flags, bunting and Association shields, going back, must be 40 years or so and these she handed over to John for display at the upcoming 350th Anniversary birthday celebrations on the 25th October at the Chatswood RSL Club. She also sends her love to all of our Members.  Incidentally; the Chatswood RSL Club, gave a very glowing tribute to the Royal Marines association NSW. Not only that, but a cheque as well! In order for our members to enjoy the 350th Celebration held of course at this club. It was straight out of the blue and quite unexpected but it was very graciously received and John has written a very nice reply to their gift. John Satch, myself & Mitch Sutton attended a meeting with Tony Snowsill CEO & Jim Fergis (functions manager) to discuss the finer points of our upcoming 350th Birthday party on the 25th October. I personally, have never had better experience of the help and indeed the comradeship that they projected into this historic event of ours, really helpful friendly information and suggestions. “Our sincere thanks Gentlemen”.  (Jim Fergis making our mouths water at the menu that he was proposing for our “party!!)

We hadn’t heard from Eric (Guv’nor) Hastings for many weeks so it became important that we find out if he was okay. Eventually we heard from “Maren” Pat Shields and Eric’s eldest son Eric; that he was in Mona Vale Hospital. We decided to visit the Guv’nor; however we were further informed that he had been discharged on that same day as we were going to visit. With John Satch driving and me navigating we arrived five minutes after he had got home. He seemed in good spirits although heavily bandaged on his lacerated leg. He seemed glad to see us and as we were leaving I noticed he had some colour returning to his face.

George Sankey in England has very kindly donated the equivalent of $103 for the 350th celebrations in October. This he said was for the members to “Splice the mainbrace”. Thank you George!! (George was an oppo of Dennis Emerton with whom he served, in 42 Cdo RM in Malaya).

On the welfare front “All Okay” on the central coast Includes Sam Beggs, Tom Rule; However Ken Parratt (KOYLI) has to go back into hospital for melanoma on his scalp. Enid his wife is “soldiering on” he said!  Capt Nick Wise we hope is getting better after his eye operations (Retina). Lastly, Pat Shields has been attacked by Satan!…..  (Her Cat!). Not Cat Knapped! But, cat scratched & clawed. “Naughty pussy”

On the 13th September we are attending the “Parachute regimental Association of NSW” luncheon held at “99 on York” Club. Some of you may remember it, as being the old Bowling Club on York Street in Sydney. Cost is $50pp. Contact Jock Stewart at PO.Box. 1096. Burwood. NSW 2134. E-mail:

Or Tel Eddie Cudd:  02 9869 1157. It will be quite a beautiful Luncheon in amongst pleasant company. It is not far from Town Hall Railway station, through Queen Victoria Building.

On the 14th & 15th September we are going to visit our Members in Newcastle NSW. This is being organised by the “Bowery Boys” Ken & Normie Bowes. Ken’s tel No: 02 4954 5443 or his brother Normie on E-mail:   Who; will make the necessary arrangements for your visit. Should be a good trip and what’s more, it is a beautiful place as it has been reinvented from an industrial area to a Tourist Mecca.

Barney Flanagan the President of the Chatswood RSL SUB BRANCH asked us if any of our members would wish to join the plaque laying ceremony on the 9th November 2014, this plaque or commemoration is particularly for those National Servicemen that died in the Korean War (440 Australians were killed). I will send out Barney’s official invitation as it becomes available.

 We now turn our attention to our Brother and Sister Associations! That being the” Guards”, the “Parachute Regimental Association of NSW” the effervescent WRENS Assn & the RAF Association.

We ask that you relay into your various Associations the importance of attending the Royal Marines Association 350th “Birthday Party” celebrations held on the 25th October 2014. Venue is the Chatswood RSL Club. Time is at 1830-1900hrs. Dress is formal i.e. Dinner suit/Lounge suit/Blazer/mess dress/dress blues. Medals to be worn. Ladies: After five apparel/evening dress.  Now pay attention!!…. This is a very well planned event and it is open to Service personnel of our allies. I.e. Netherlands Marines! US Marines

Australian Commandoes, Australian Naval personnel, Seals, etc!  Cost: is $50pp plus raffle ticket of $5 (more if you wish). We will also be using the Mantra Hotel in Brown Street (just 157 paces from venue). Contact should NOW BE MADE! With Sam Smith (Treasurer) at; 34, St Johns Road. BRADBURY. NSW. 2560.  E-mail:    Tel: 02 4620 5267. Mitch Sutton is bringing along his NSW Corps of Marines (1788 re-enactment group in Red Rig, complete with their brown Bess). There will be one of our long lost brothers Mike Walden who has promised to do the call to arms drumming and maybe one of our older members will sound the “Alert” on his bugle (in E-Flat!!). The RMA Committee have been “digging out blind!” to give this historic event in the long serving Royal Marine Corps> “What could possibly go wrong?”

Original Saying, : “Tell it to the Marines!!”

During the reign of Charles 2, whilst holding court with his courtiers & Ladies in waiting. He heard the Captain of one of his vessels, who, a very well travelled skipper was saying he had seen “Flying Fish” in the oceans he had just sailed upon. The King was puzzled at this statement and certainly did not believe the good Captain. So turning to one of his orderlies he said, “Send for the Sergeant of Marines”. The orderly duly presented the Marine. He related the story of the “Flying Fish” “Have you ever seen flying fish?  “O’are, Yes Sire! Both in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific! Turning round, he said, There! If ever we are to doubt any story from our seafarers, we must first of all; “TELL IT TO THE MARINES!”…………John Lees. Sec

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