Have you seen Tess the guide dog?

UPDATE 21st August 2014

***Possible sighting of Tess, the missing guide dog from Nairn***
Update from her owner on the group – “Find GUIDE DOG TESS”
PUPDATE – 18/8/14 – There has been a SIGHTING!!! Near Sluie Walks/ Logie Steading, about 2 or 3 miles west of Forres, the sighting was on Saturday afternoon. It is a credible sighting as the young lady called Sophie, who is in her late teens, early twenties, she is a horse rider, who treks around that area regularly, plus her mother is a dog trainer, so she knows breeds of dogs. She recognised Tess from Facebook, on the Missing Dogs in Scotland page.
When Sophie saw ‘Tess’ she got off her horse and watched as ‘Tess’ ran across a road and started to eat something, I think ‘Tess’ was sizing her up, as she just looked at Sophie, who did try and coax her over. ‘Tess’ then ran back across the road and into some dence undergrowth, and disappeared again. Here’s the kicker, Sophie phoned the O800 number and left a message.
I was to meet a local Boarder, and two other volunteers today to do some more postering, but when I got in the car, Isobelle told me that Mike GDI, was at Sluie Walks, as there was a credible sighting, so we headed there this afternoon, and managed to meet up with Sophie who took us to the spot where she had been seen, with no luck today, we called her and blew the whistle, but could not see or hear anything.
If there are people on here from Nairn, Foress or the surrounding areas, I am putting out a call to either search or keep an eye out in the Logie Stading/Sluie Walks area, she could have moved on again, so West Foress is also a good area to try.
I only know how to get there from Nairn, not sure of the real road numbers, but from Nairn, heading to Foress, there is a Railway bridge you go under, with a right turn immediately after, the Granton road, go past the new cemetery, on your right, and follow the road round towards Granton on Spey, before you get to Granton, there will be a junction, follow the Foress route/road, you will soon come across Logie Steading, and further on is Sluie walks.
Please help in any way you can, I’m not sure how she will be, she may be wary of people, having felt abandoned and on her own for nearly 4 weeks, just try and coax her with food. I will be speaking with Glasgow and Edinburgh GDs tomorrow to see what their next step is, we’re getting closer…….i hope…… Thanks everyone.
Update directly from Keir Hardie… Thanx Keir…

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Guide dog Tess went missing on Wednesday, 23rd July in Nairn, Scotland. Tess is a six year old, black curly-coated retriever and was last seen walking with her owner near the Old Cemetery next to the River Nairn.She is microchipped and should have Guide Dogs identification tags on her collar, which is black with small grey and pink squares.Pets at Home will donate £1000 to Guide Dogs for information leading to Tess’ return – please call 0800 6888 409.Tell others about Tess£1000 DONATION for her safe return home.Google Search “Tess the Dog” for Updates…
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