First Great Western train named in honour of Royal Marines in Plymouth

A HIGH Speed train was officially named in honour of the 350th anniversary of the Royal Marines.

First Great Western hosted a ceremony at Plymouth railway station on Saturday where the train was named ‘Royal Marines – Celebrating 350 Years’.

The ceremony was part of a weekend of activities to commemorate 350 years of unbroken service.

Charles Howeson, chairman of the FGW advisory board, said: “I’m delighted we’re able to celebrate the courageous and audacious work of the Royal Marines, especially so close to their headquarters here in Plymouth, a key part of our network.

“FGW is committed to supporting the communities we serve, and strive to have a positive and significant impact across our network. That’s why marking this anniversary is so important to us.”

The high speed train will travel along the whole great western network and will be seen by thousands of passengers every day.

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