Elementary, Corp Pin query…

Hey Bunky, Lucy Liu keep distracting me whilst searching re your query…

If you are able to zoom in on these? Not a lot of “stills” about that you can effectively zoom into…..







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4 Responses to Elementary, Corp Pin query…

  1. bunky says:

    no those pictures are from series one, he started wearing the pin in the new series (two) FYI

  2. Teflon says:

    Need new Glasses… Will check again…

  3. Teflon says:

    Tempted to post pics of Lucy Liu instead… maybe later. For now try this link re Corp Pin… “http://www.foxnwolf.com/locknload/?p=1895” have posted 3 new pics…

  4. bunky says:

    That’s the one and yes she is essence!

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