Use the search box in the menu on the right side type in “Windows 7” to see my previous posts ON Windows 7 (ignore XP, no more updates for that one). Get downloading so you get them all before midnight your local time…
When Windows 7 reaches end of support on January 14, 2020, your computer will still function but Microsoft will no longer provide the following:
- Technical support for any issues
- Software updates
- Security updates or fixes
Ignore the failed updates, check on review updates, hide them by right clicking on the update itself and click on hide if they try to download again.
Keep downloading the ones that install ok. Keep checking manually.
Once the updates all start failing or message says “not needed” (after 3 continuous attempts then thats it) your pc is up to date, time to turn off updates (after midnight your local time).
(make a restore point first name it “start last day win7 update” prior to starting todays downloads / updates). Once no more available and downloads completed, make another restore point). Name it “end last day win7 update”.
Windows 7 end of support and Office 365
Windows 7 and other versions of Office
Good Luck…