Help Free the 6 British Ex-Soldiers from Indian Prison

6 British Ex-Soldiers have been Imprisoned in India since the 18th of October 2013

William Hague: Help Free the 6 British Ex-Soldiers from Indian Prison

These men are our brothers, sons and partners. They have risked their lives serving our country in the British Army, and now need the British Government’s help to be released from an Indian Prison where they are being imprisoned unlawfully.

My partner is one of these men and, along with the others, has devoted his live to protecting people, working in the Indian Ocean on Anti-Piracy operations.

All the families involved are extremely distressed, we have had no contact with the men since they were imprisoned. I have sent letters daily to the prison with no way of knowing if he is receiving them.

I’ve been in touch with the Foreign Office but have had no help from them. If the British Government does not step up its actions to have the men released we have been informed they can be held in prison for a year without ever being charged or going to trial. I now know that only public pressure will make the Government act. We want our men home and need your help to achieve this. Please sign the petition to put pressure on the Government.

The men were resting on board the support vessel, in-between transits from client vessels which they protect from Pirate attacks. Their work effects everyone in the UK as the ships the lads are protecting bring fuel to the UK for your car, the clothes on your back and even the TV you watch, or the mobile phone you’re using to read this. They’re helping protect the goods we take for granted everyday.

They have had their freedom and human rights taken away from them. This is an injustice and the British Government must step in to have the men released.

Now the 6 lads need your help. The families need your signatures. Please sign and share.sign hereFoxnwolf comments…

Rattling the Cage of your MP would also shake up the system and get some of them


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