‘Landguard Fort’ Royal Marine Museum, an Ebook by Terry Aspinall

Languard FortRoyal Marine museum is within the Landguard Fort complex situated at the southern end of Felixstowe…

For those who are interested I have just published my latest book
‘Landguard Fort’ Royal Marine Museum

As with all my E-Books it is FREE

However, it would be nice if a few of the readers could donate a small sum to the Wounded Royal Marines fund. There are details within the book of their website where you can make contact. (www.helpourwounded.co.uk)
To be or have been a member of the Royal Marines we are all family, and will go out of our way to help family members when in need.
This book is about the Royal Marine Museum at ‘Landguard Fort’ just south of Felixstowe in Suffolk.
Felixstowe is the last place that an invading army set foot on English soil, and were beaten back into the north sea. It is also the very first battle that the Marines fought on land, having only been formed just three years earlier in 1664. The book explains about the Museum, the history of the Fort. The Royal Marines, their history, their training, their traditions and most of all how they earn the famous Green Beret… Terry Aspinall

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