Royal Marine Tribute    
  Robert "Bob" Carr.......  A look on the "Bright Side"


"no more print runs"




(a note from the author, Robert "Bob" Carr)

Any serious readers still interested in 1960s Corps humour and who are able to take a joke and laugh at themselves like we used to back then, that they should place their orders as a matter of URGENCY as the book will  no longer be available after the end of this month.

To ensure they get their goods in total to order Volumes 1  and 2,  (Vol.2 is the more interesting one) and their prices are lower than ever, plus they will get a discount of 20% for ordering online.


Volume 1 & 2

The "Bright Side" Review by ARRSE-1.......

The "Signs of the Times" Review by ARRSE-1.......


About the Author

Robert Carr was born in 1945 in Berkshire. He served in the
Royal Marines Commandos at home, abroad and at sea. He has
worked in a variety of manual occupations, surviving a number of
bizzare and difficult situations. His interests have included reading
history, cultural customs of other countries, arts and crafts, making
classical and flamenco guitars and in folk music worldwide. He is a
retired multi skills college technician



41 Commando, Royal Marines were  based at old Bickleigh Barracks on the edge of Dartmoor. Most of them had survived their more recent duties of active service overseas, many of them the hard way.  The culture of post-National Service demands in discipline developed an ambience throughout in which high standards for training set a high standard of skill at arms.  Having already endured superhuman demands from their “superiors” in daily battles of organised boredom directed by inerudite bawling, the guys known as “other ranks” saw this posting as a time of some rest and relaxation from truly dangerous missions of the ‘Claret’ kind, deep in the jungles of Borneo, or the confrontations with the ‘Red Wolves’ of the barren  Radfan mountains.  Therefore, they paid scant attention to the ruthless rules of King’s Regulations, and met each crazy challenge thrown at them with cheerful subterfuge beyond the bizarre.

By sea or by land, per mare per terram, they created their own codes of conduct and few escaped their rules.  Lively legends were created, and memories made and celebrated for yonks thereafter

One just had to look on the Bright Side, or there was precious little else to look at.......

A return to the jungles of the Far East for some, the first time for others, and even fresh ships for a few, their previous warrior tours now a recent memory.  New experiences were discovered in 40 Commando, as the Unit re-located from Borneo and Malaya to Singapore.

Hardly had they settled into their new barracks at HMS Simbang when China’s Red Guards ran amok in Fragrant Harbour. 40 Commando were promptly packed and crammed aboard the good old ‘Rusty B’ and set sail for Hong Kong. Ignoring terrible typhoons, once ashore they deployed themselves up in the hills of the New Territories, and after the drenching wet storms had blown away and everything was ‘nice now’,  the guys repeatedly informed the officers, of this obvious fact which drove the C .O. nuts.  He was well on his way to begin with, though it had to be said that he performed just like the old sweats had predicted. 

The tour was chock full of travel across the seas to little trouble spots  still component parts of ‘the white man’s self-inflicted burden’,yet which was cheerfully shouldered by the ‘other ranks’ once their most frequently asked question; “What the f....kin’ ‘ell are we doin’ ere, sir?” was answered with the traditional response by their “Superiors”;  “We are here to show the flag!”.

Jungle training just had to be kept right up to scratch on the return trip down the east coast of Malaya, and Rusty B dropped anchor in the wrong place, disembarked them all off by chopper and left them to  hunt for the other combined nations in the art of war and impressing each other.  Charlie Company were accompanied into the jungle by an Aussie umpire who claimed sarcastically that his presence and purpose was ‘to teach the British Marines a thing or two about jungle warfare.  As Charlton observed drily, teaching his granny how to suck eggs might be a  good start, but another Marine beat him to it by plugging  a stolen electric kettle into a large tree and boiling water to make a wet of tea for the lads. This unusual act of hospitality was extended to generous completion when he was almost poisoned by the hearty bush tucker meal the guys  fed him, washed down with Johnny Gurkha raksi rum, and not a single sucked egg appeared on the mess tinned menu.

'This book is also an enjoyable education and describes life and times as it was during the 6o's, but which may well have been missed by many in other branches of Armed Forces.

Read this book and you will never be the same again!

"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the
world, but the Marines don't have that problem"



In Memory of RM29279

Mne David L Allan (22)
Born 28th May 1950
Westerhope, Newcastle

Training Unit
16 Troop, CTCRM
"Tooley Trophy Winners"

Serving Unit
40 Commando

Murdered by IRA Sniper
26th July 1972

Unity Flats/Upper Library Street, West Belfast

Laid to Rest in West Road Cemetery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Always in our Thoughts.......

Many Thanks to the Northern Ireland Veterans Association

Last Post


The Pipes

Now We Are Free by Lisa Gerrard

300 by Lisa Gerrard 

The Barracks by the Sea my Lads, The Barracks on the Shore 

Remember the Brave 

The Bonnie Blue Flag 

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"Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines don't have that problem"

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